COMPLETE GUIDE TO Stichting Bouwresearch



The Stichting Bouwresearch (SBR), or the Foundation for Building Research, has been a basis of development and knowledge in the Dutch construction environment since its establishment in 1959. With a mission to develop creativity, productivity, and durability through research and knowledge sharing, SBR has left a permanent symbol on construction practices in the Netherlands. This article explores  SBR’s legacy, its effect on the industry, and its continuous importance in today's building field.

Addressing Post-War Construction Challenges

As a result of World War II, the Netherlands faced an intense living arrangements shortage. To fight this, the government looked for successful methods to instruction construction while continuing quality and reasonable pricing. It was against this environment that the Stichting Bouwresearch was founded, aiming to transform building methods and materials through innovation.

SBR's initial focus was on promoting research and development (R&D) initiatives to tackle practical challenges within the construction sector. By facilitating collaboration between academia, industry players, and government bodies, SBR created a robust knowledge-sharing network that spurred advancements in the industry.

SBR’s Focus Areas: Efficiency, Standardization, and Quality

Over the decades, Stichting Bouwresearch expanded its scope to encompass various facets of the construction process. Key focus areas included:


SBR was instrumental in developing technical standards and guidelines for the construction industry. This standardization effort streamlined design and construction processes, enhanced coordination within the sector, and ensured consistent quality across projects.

Building Methods and Materials

The foundation raised research into creative construction methods and materials, supporting the use of pre-built, flexible construction, and eco-friendly building solutions.

Regulations and Performance Requirements

SBR played an important role in building codes and rules, promoting performance-based standards that focused on safety, durability, and energy performance.

Knowledge Dissemination

A main function of Stichting Bouwresearch was to spread knowledge and best practices over the construction industry. Through extensive technical manuals, research reports, and guidelines, SBR influenced how construction professionals approached their work.

Collaborations and Partnerships: The Backbone of SBR’s Success

SBR’s success was mainly due to its mutual method, joining different stakeholders within the construction field, including:

  • Architects and Engineers: SBR offered a platform for design experts to share knowledge and provide to the development of technical requirements and guidelines.

  • Construction Companies: The foundation worked closely with contractors to identify practical challenges and develop solutions to enhance efficiency and on-site practices.

  • Material Suppliers: SBR worked together with producers to research and promote original building materials and systems.

  • Government and Regulatory Bodies: The foundation partnered with government agencies to shape building regulations and policies fostering a sustainable, safe, and high-quality built environment.

SBR’s Transformation and Continued Relevance

Throughout its existence, the Stichting Bouwresearch underwent several transformations. In 1998, it merged with the Center for Civil Engineering Research and Codes (CUR), forming SBRCURnet, a broader knowledge institute for the built environment. Today, the SBR name continues as a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting the construction and real estate sectors by providing skill, tools, and services that increase building quality, durability, and efficiency.

Tangible Impacts of Stichting Bouwresearch

SBR’s contributions to the Dutch construction industry are profound and far-reaching:

  • Improved Standards and Regulations: SBR’s technical guidelines and contribution in regulatory development make building quality requirements.

  • More Efficient Practices: The promotion of innovation and knowledge sharing led to more efficient construction methods and practices.

  • Enhanced Sustainability: The foundation’s advocacy for environmentally responsible solutions contributed to a more sustainable built environment.

  • Knowledge-Driven Sector: SBR fostered a culture of research and knowledge-based decision-making within the construction industry.

  • Upskilled Workforce: Via different training and educational programs, SBR provided a more skilled and knowledgeable construction workforce.

Conclusion: SBR’s Enduring Influence

Although the Stichting Bouwresearch has developed, its result remains deeply fixed in the Dutch construction industry. Its relentless drive for innovation, standardization, and knowledge exchange transformed how buildings are designed, constructed, and managed. SBR’s importance on collaboration developed a strong network of professionals devoted to continuous improvement.

By accepting the insights and progress provided by Stichting Bouwresearch, the construction and real estate sectors can achieve impressive progress, validating a built environment that is strong, efficient, and environmentally friendly. The foundation's dedication to research and innovation prepares the way for a future where buildings are not only structures but representations of safety, stability, and technological excellence.

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